Discover Wellness with Justine Friedman: Your Clinical Dietitian and Mindset Mentor
Since 2000, I’ve been working with clients who want to overcome the burden of dieting, hormones, gut health issues and poor eating habits. I've experienced my own weight challenges as well as struggles with emotional eating, and after turning 40 had to change my approach to eating to better support my body.
I get how hard it can be to feel like you are fighting against yourself. I hear how tired you are of self-sabotaging and how out of control and confused you feel when it comes to food.
My mission is to empower you to understand your body so that you can work WITH it and NOT against it.

BSc. (Med)(Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics UCT
Discover Wellness with Justine Friedman: Your Registered Clinical Dietitian and Mindset Mentor
How I work
I help you to understand your unique body so you can best nourish yourself, according to the latest research and science. I give you the tools you need in order to improve your energy, health levels, blood values, mood and sleep and to manage your sugar cravings, emotional eating and weight, without deprivation or restriction.
Love. Not tough love.
Shame, judgment, and all-or-nothing (binary) thinking never helped anyone. I'm here to be your advocate, your partner, your cheerleader. I promise to give you strategies for mind, body and spirit that work in real life and get you back to living the beautiful life you deserve.
Mindset is the missing link
I’m a knowledge junkie and keep up to date on the latest scientific research but I also know that it takes more than knowledge to change behavior. It takes awareness of our emotions, the ability to tune into the constant toxic running commentary in our minds about food and weight so we know what narratives drive us. Learn the POWER of PAUSE.
Sitting with feelings, awareness of thoughts and actively choosing a new neural pathway to embrace a whole new way of being.
Guess what, diets don't work, if they did you wouldn't be reading this
Diets leave us feeling deprived, hangry, and unsatisfied. Instead of building a new diet plan, you can build walls that keep out diet culture and its toxic messaging. You CAN let go of diet culture, and you CAN learn to embrace intuitive eating! No more dieting, learn to eat food you enjoy in a balanced way.
No more worrying about the scale, no more fighting with yourself about food.
You are more than what you weigh. You are more than what you eat.
Self care. Not self control
Restriction, scarcity and pain have been your constant companions and their presence in your life has been normalized by media messages about what it means to be a woman. For far too long you’ve let what takes up space on your plate take up too much room in your brain…… You don’t need to hear that there is anything wrong with your body… but you do need a solution.
Respect. Don't reject
Stop rejecting your body. Stop disconnecting from your experience. Tune into your mind, body, and spirit. Reconnect to understand what your symptoms, cravings, and triggers are telling you. Learn which foods feel good in your body and which your body prefers you to avoid. Discover the power of self-compassion and forgiveness.
Now ask, how can I best nourish my body, today?
We’ll start where you are. No more “my diet starts tomorrow”. Every day, every moment is an opportunity for awareness, for listening to our bodies, for tuning in and choosing compassion. There’s no on the wagon or off the wagon. It’s about progress, not perfection, and learning to trust yourself to nourish your body.
Power hour
Share your struggle. Get clear on goals.
Work 1:1
Get an individualized lifestyle plan based on your unique health profile and work with me on mindset, implementation and habits.
Group work
The Wellness Upgrade 12 week program.
Choose from our two 90 minute recorded webinars:
- Boost Your Metabolism & Mood
The Magic Wellness Switch
Transform your health today
Helping you to leave dieting and weight struggles behind, understand your body and nourish yourself with confidence

3 Things Every Woman Needs To Know Before Turning 40
A FREE mini-course to learn how to give your body the support it needs to balance hormones and manage your weight as a woman in midlife.
- Includes 10 lessons and 1 bonus video
- Learn how hormones affect mood, weight and cravings
- Learn how to avoid weight gain by adjusting how you eat and how you exercise
- Take the 2 minute test and see if you're in perimenopause