The Wellness Upgrade': Transform Wellness After 40 with Justine Friedman, Registered Clinical Dietitian

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Group program

Introducing "The Wellness Upgrade" - Your Path to Wellness Over 40

Are you a woman over 40 looking to break free from the cycle of dieting and confusion around what to eat? "The Wellness Upgrade" is the online group program designed just for you, providing a step-by-step process to support your changing body.

Overcome the overwhelm and frustration of managing your weight in midlife.
Boost your energy and mood
Reduce symptoms of perimenopause and menopause
Get back to feeling more like yourself
Live your best life!

Cover image of The Wellness Upgrade Program.

What’s included

12 weeks access to "The Wellness Upgrade" Program
Access the library of pre-recorded videos and implement the weekly wellness steps
Join the weekly group coaching calls with Q&A
Review the replays of all coaching calls at your leisure
Bonus videos
Private email access to Justine
Monthly 1:1 private sessions with Justine (Total of 3)
Resources, downloads, and a dedicated WhatsApp chat and Facebook group for community support
Register Your Interest Here
Work With Me

Our journey

Register interest

Book a call to assess suitability

Access content and live coaching

Register interest

To embark on your wellness journey, you'll first fill out the application form and book a call to assess your suitability for the program.

Book a call to assess suitability

During this call you'll have your questions regrading the program answered and together we'll determine if The Wellness Upgrade is a good fit to support your goals.

Access content and live coaching

Once enrolled you will begin to access the prerecorded video content and material on the teaching platform.

Join the weekly group coaching calls to have your questions answered and to benefit from Justine's expert advice.

Benefit from the group support and shared experience both on the weekly calls and via the dedicated WhatsApp group.

Book your monthly 1:1 appointment with Justine to receive individualized coaching.

What's in store for you

This 12-week online course covers


Build practical, easy-to-implement habits
Understand and support the normal hormone changes in your body
Feel balanced with your food choices
Improve energy, and mood, and support your body during perimenopause and menopause
Reduce symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, and brain fog
Enhance concentration, sleep, memory, and overall well-being
Manage emotional eating and self-sabotage
Break free from frustrating dieting messages and rules
Feel empowered to trust your body and manage your nutrition needs
Make peace with food, silence the inner critic, and conquer self-sabotage
Find balance in life and approach to food and finally feel more comfortable in your body again!

Let's Connect!
Complete the application form and schedule a call to ensure The Wellness Upgrade is the Perfect Fit for You.


$997 (one-time payment with a discount of $100 or 3 equal monthly payments)
Program length: 12 weeks

Why "The Wellness Upgrade"?

Move away from dieting mentality, scale obsession, and food restriction
Learn to eat balanced meals that support changing hormones and understand what your unique body needs
Gain mindset tools and habit-forming strategies for long-term wellness

Message from Justine

Join me for "The Wellness Upgrade," a culmination of my work with hundreds of women since 2000. This unique program is your solution to overcome midlife weight management challenges, breaks you out of the dieting cycle that keeps you stuck and frustrated, boosts energy and mood, and reduces perimenopause and menopause symptoms. Together, we'll create a sustainable lifestyle that allows you to enjoy your life to the fullest.

A mug with the text "Be Unique"

What can you look forward to?

“After 12 weeks with "The Wellness Upgrade." You'll not only feel empowered, confident, and more at peace with food, but you'll also experience a profound shift in your entire approach to wellness.

Break free from the cycle of disappointment and embrace positive habits that will sustain you for a lifetime. This isn't just an investment—it's a commitment to lasting change. "The Wellness Upgrade" is your path to breaking old patterns, nourishing your changing body, and achieving results that go beyond the surface.

Ready to redefine your wellness journey? Enquire today and discover the enduring transformation that awaits you.

"Justine's approach is so unique. She really gets my struggle with food and I finally feel heard and that I am on the right track. Before I started the program my energy levels were very low and I was so confused about what to eat. I had tried keto and IF but I felt anxious and I never managed to lose any real weight. Now I understand what foods to choose and how to eat in a way that gives me better energy. I am sleeping better and I am less irritable and my brain fog has reduced. And the best part is that I never feel deprived!!!"

4.9 Star Average Rating
Photo of Justine Friedman wearing a black shirt and smiling.

What clients are saying

The community was a big part of my enjoyment of this program- the realisation that there are so many others feeling, thinking and going through similar issues, made me feel heard and that I am not alone

Justine teaches without judgment and encourages you to be better but not to be so hard on yourself.

After 12 weeks I have a better understanding of food and I am learning to make better choices. I now have a healthier mindset, listen to my body and my needs as opposed to emotions. I would recommend the program for women who are looking to learn how to eat correctly for life.

I am wearing new trousers that i have not fit in before - amazing feeling. This really works!

"I can personally say, Justine is simply amazing. I didn't want another restrictive diet to govern my life. With Justine I was able to learn how to adapt my eating habits and food choices into a healthy lifestyle. And the bonus was going down 3kg on the scale! I am grinning!"

I wanted to share a huge win with you and thank you so much for helping me get to this point! For the first time today I didn't weigh or measure my dinner, but rather used your guidance about taking as much as I felt was right for me. Usually I would have had more but instead I started with a smaller amount and was able to stop when I felt comfortable and not too full. For the first time I feel that I have turned a corner in my relationship with food.I feel that I can trust myself again. I am so grateful!!!


Frequently asked questions

Navigate these Questions and Answers to determine if The Wellness Upgrade is a good fit for you

Transform your health today

Helping you to leave dieting and weight struggles behind, understand your body and nourish yourself with confidence

3 Things Every Woman Needs To Know Before Turning 40

3 Things Every Woman Needs To Know Before Turning 40

A FREE mini-course to learn how to give your body the support it needs to balance hormones and manage your weight as a woman in midlife.

- Includes 10 lessons and 1 bonus video

- Learn how hormones affect mood, weight and cravings

- Learn how to avoid weight gain by adjusting how you eat and how you exercise

- Take the 2 minute test and see if you're in perimenopause